Are you living a secret life? One that kindles desire and ignites intense passion? We are!  And if you aren’t you should ask yourself ‘Why not?’… We’re talking about having a love affair with your Life Vision, of course. We’ve all heard that knowing what you want is the first step in getting it.  But simply KNOWING the vision for your ideal life isn’t enough. If we want it all, we’re going to have to fall in love with it.

By Lifebook Member Katie D'Alexander My cousin gifted me with the opportunity to attend Lifebook in June 2009, soon after I decided to leave a career in public relations and marketing.  I had no career direction, I was single and I had recently been diagnosed with high blood pressure (at the ripe old age of 25).  I found myself depleting my savings account and living with two roommates: my parents.  So needless to say, Lifebook could not have come at a better time for me. My experience with Lifebook was unlike anything I could have ever imagined.

Believe it or not, there are only TWO MONTHS left in 2011!  Now is the time to get out your goals list and make a plan to close the gap between where you are now and where you said you wanted to be at the end of this year! We are COMMITTED to seeing you succeed in everything you set out to accomplish.  We are on the sidelines, rooting you on and cheering at all your hard work.  We are with you every step of the way, offering guidance, support and motivation.  WE BELIEVE IN YOU. So here’s some motivational love with 6 visual reminders to keep you FOCUSED ON and MOVING TOWARD what matters most as you break through the last two months and cross the 2011 finish line with FORCE!

If we were to knock on your front door RIGHT NOW, would you be embarrassed to let us in and give us a tour? What does your home, as it really is, say about you as a person? Does it make you proud? As a Lifebook Member you understand the importance of your environments and the feedback loop they create. The qualities a space radiates can permeate every aspect of our lives. If we live in a disorganized, hectic and stressful environment, our lives will be disorganized, hectic and stressful, because that is what we are surrounded by. Likewise, if we are surrounded every day by beauty, tranquility and sensuality, our lives will literally be more beautiful, tranquil and sensual. Our environments should be in perfect harmony with the people we want to be. Therefore, we must create environments that clearly project the values, moods and feelings that we want in our life on a continuous basis. Here are “5 Tips To Transform Your Space” into a consciously designed expression of YOU:

Want to hear what Jon, Missy and the Lifebook Team want to do before they die?  Well here it is – Our EXOTIC Bucket List - featuring some of planet Earth’s most daring, beautiful and mind opening adventures.  Are you in?!

Share what’s on YOUR bucket list by commenting below!

Ralph Waldo Emerson impacted the world with his words. One of Emerson's biggest inspirations to his great works were his relationships. In countless writings, Emerson reflects about the importance of the people we invite in to our lives: our friends.

Read on to be inspired on how to become the most extraordinary friend possible:

Spend time together "Go often to the house of thy friend, for weeds choke the unused path." Friendships, like all living beings, require significant maintenance. If your friendship isn't growing, it's dying. Carve out time and commit to spending quality time, doing quality activities with your friends to ensure healthy, growing relationships.

By Anya Hanson Wendt My daughter Ashlyn, age nine, is clear that she is responsible for her life – her happiness, her accomplishments AND her choices. She is also clear that all choices have consequences, and, as she makes choices for her life day-to-day, she is also choosing the consequences. In our family, consequences are not necessarily negative – they are just the natural course of things; cause-effect. For example, if she studies hard for a test and is responsible for understanding what will be on it, the consequence is a grade of A - which pleasantly enough, has other consequences, such as money from her father.

Not everyone knows what it is to be a parent, but we all know what it is to be a child.

There is a place within each of us that only we can reach.  A place where our “inner self” first began to develop, our consciousness began to evolve and our identity was formed by the world around us.

Some people like to call this place our “Inner Child;” the part of our childhood that, although often dormant, remains very much intact within us.  In this place the most primitive part of our being lies;  The memories of our experience as a child, and the residual messages and feelings that were left behind.

How amazing would it feel to start each day with a whole bunch of short, empowering, POSITIVE MESSAGES to turn your POWER ON and get you ready for a STELLAR DAY?! Well, our newest Lifebook Members think it would be really cool! They're calling themselves, TEAM POSITIVE, and they've committed to sharing one powerful, motivating thought or inspirational message with each other EVERY SINGLE DAY! Could be as short at 1 word, or it might be a couple paragraphs. The point is, they're going to share the love, people! Creating the life vision we defined in our Lifebook is a BIG JOB, and we can use all the help we can get, right?! As Lifebook Members, we SHOULD encourage, support and inspire each other as much as possible along the way. One positive, uplifting thought can have an immense impact on someone's entire day. Together, we can make a BIG DIFFERENCE in each others lives! So... Anyone out there want to join TEAM POSITIVE and help us make this happen?! If so, subscribe to the RSS feed and leave a positive message below!