How Lifebook made me a better person

Written by: Rebecca Willson

Lifebook came to me at a perfect time.

Every year in the fall I start to think about what I may want to choose to do as a New Years resolution. My Resolutions are always geared towards personal development.

I had originally heard about Lifebook from my Chiropractor Kelly when I was in for an adjustment. After attending the information session and getting the free audio to listen to I discovered that this course was a MUST.

My resolution was decided… It was going to be “The Year of Me” – making me a better person. I immediately signed up!

The course gave me a structured way to examine 12 important areas of my life in ways I had never thought of before.

There was an amazing, diverse and supportive group of people taking the course.

It forced me to look deep within and figure out what I really wanted and helped me build a strategy to get there. It gave me the courage to ask for what I want.

Since taking the Lifebook course I have changed for the better. I don’t even know if I can truly describe it.

I feel like I know my purpose and what I want to accomplish.

I feel that I am a better person, can make wiser choices and be more present for those around me.

It has given me focus in my professional life – in fact it gave me the courage to ask to work in my “Dream Location.”

The VIP Bootcamp felt like the missing piece of the puzzle. The final building blocks of actually making your strategies into goals and setting deadlines. It helped me to start really making headway!

I find that my time is spent more productively and I am able to ask myself more regularly if my action will help me achieve my goals.

I love the accountability and having people around me to inspire me, encourage me and support me.

I love my Lifebook Community!

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