Scott Gamm’s Transformation


Scott Before



“If you make yourself more than just a man, if you devote yourself to an ideal, if they cannot stop you , then you become something else entirely.” Batman

For starters, I would like to thank Damion for putting this challenge together. I don’t mean to say this in a kiss ass way, but it takes a remarkable person to step out on his own, and put his money on the line so that he can motivate others. We all know that Lifebook, and especially these challenge members, were all extraordinary people before undertaking this journey together. So ultimately, I’m thankful to everyone of you for the conscious and subconscious push that has made this transformation possible.

Three months ago I thought I was happy in almost every way, and yet deep down I knew that there was a level of incongruency, hidden potential and untapped gifts that I did not have the intestinal fortitude to conquer on my own. I had preached from a stage the importance of things like discipline, mindset and congruency. Yeah truthfully, I had been stagnant for years, and my nutrition, diet and even my practice was nowhere where I wanted it to be. My lack of discipline had led to me being slightly overweight, frustrated and looking for answers.

I know as well as all of you know that all of these answers have to come from within, and yet I was not willing to reach deep enough inside to pull out the truth. Throughout the past three months I have grown in health, happiness and congruency beyond measure. I have not had alcohol in over 100 days, any refined sugar in over two months, have been 100% Paleo for the past two months, went from 23% body fat down to 17, and have done a personal video for the past 59 days (on my way to 366 straight days) journaling this process for others to see.

Over the past two months especially, I have seen the video evidence of my transformation. It is exciting, yet humbling. I found the true value of an accountability partner, which has opened me up to a deeper layer of friendship and congruency within my weakest LifeBook category.

Ultimately, I have found myself creating a new ideal for myself. I have a vision of my future both physically and energetically that has become greater than my deepest fears. My vision is now pulling me forward. I have truly created a new habit of being myself. I am finally beginning to feel confident in my own skin. What had previously been just hopes and dreams, have become my reality.

As I look at my Lifebook vision, I can now see that this level of determination and congruency will manifest the life of my dreams. Day by day I have created the vision and habits that allow for a sustainable future of perpetual growth.

I’m thankful to everyone of you for your help, encouragement, and know that everyone of you’re LifeBook visions will come true.

Scott Gamm D.C.


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