Team Positive!

How amazing would it feel to start each day with a whole bunch of short, empowering, POSITIVE MESSAGES to turn your POWER ON and get you ready for a STELLAR DAY?!

Well, our newest Lifebook Members think it would be really cool! They’re calling themselves, TEAM POSITIVE, and they’ve committed to sharing one powerful, motivating thought or inspirational message with each other EVERY SINGLE DAY! Could be as short at 1 word, or it might be a couple paragraphs. The point is, they’re going to share the love, people!

Creating the life vision we defined in our Lifebook is a BIG JOB, and we can use all the help we can get, right?! As Lifebook Members, we SHOULD encourage, support and inspire each other as much as possible along the way. One positive, uplifting thought can have an immense impact on someone’s entire day. Together, we can make a BIG DIFFERENCE in each others lives!

So… Anyone out there want to join TEAM POSITIVE and help us make this happen?!

If so, subscribe to the RSS feed and leave a positive message below!

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