NOW UPDATED TO INCLUDE WEEK 4! The Lifebook Marines are doing a KILLER workout routine during the month of May. It's  based on a real Navy Seals training program, which focuses on timed resistance training and hard core runs. It is a KICK ASS routine that's guaranteed to have you SHREDDED by June 1! Anyone out there want to join the Lifebook Marines? PLEASE NOTE: This is a serious workout routine for serious athletes, so please don't attempt it if you're not in excellent shape already! Mentally insert 10 paragraphs of legal boilerplate language here, holding me, Lifebook, my grandma and my future generations harmless, blameless and otherwise not-liable for any self-inflicted damage done by people who can't figure out how to take responsibility for themselves:-) I'll post the workouts week by week during the month of May. Here's the first week's routine:

Our January Lifebook challenge was inspired by our dear friend, Sean Stephenson, who wrote a great book called “Get Off Your But!” (you can order it below). All Lifebook Members who join the challenge will receive a free gift – and the Challenge winner will receive the grand prize!

We all have our BIG BUTS. And we’ve gotten really good at using them as a cushion for not taking action on things we KNOW we should be doing.

“I was going to start my diet last week, BUT…” "I realize I missed my deadline, BUT…” “I know I said I’d call, BUT…” “I really want to quit my job and start my own business, BUT…”