Written by Lifebook Member Damion Lupo Over the last few months I started noticing a consistent response when I’d ask people how they were doing with their goals.  I heard one thing more than anything else: “I’m working hard, making progress and moving forward.” Everyone seemed to be using a check-box goal system comprised of visualization + action to drive their lives towards success.  But then I started to think. What if this process is wrong?  What if this process completely masks the key to happiness?

Self-discipline is one of the most important qualities required to create the life you truly desire, and an absolutely foundational character trait. To be self-disciplined means to have the capacity to overcome your perceived weaknesses and the ability to pursue what you want, even when there...

“Motivation is what gets you started.  Habit is what keeps you going.” -Jim Ryun This principle is simple and straightforward. Habits are what shape our lives - for better or worse - and ultimately define us as human beings. We ARE what we continuously DO. What are your behaviors adding up to? Confucius said, “The Nature of men is always the same; it is their habits that carry them far apart.” And the great Roman poet Ovid said, “Habits change into character.” If we look at the areas of our life where we do really well consistently, we’ll find that it’s because of the things we do habitually. Sure, we’ll have our peaks and valleys, but if we have good habits, we’ll stay above average. If we look at the weak or unsuccessful areas of our life, we’ll also find that it’s because of the things we do habitually. Again, some months will be better than others, but if we’re weak in a category on a consistent basis, it’s probably because of a few recurring negative habits that seem to have stuck.

Find out how the “three-foot giant” overcame all odds and forged an unbreakable character in his interview with Jon Butcher. Click here to listen to the interview now. When Sean was born doctors predicted he would not survive past birth because of a rare bone disorder that stunted his growth and caused his bones to be extremely fragile. Despite these challenges, he’s taken a stand for a quality of life that has reached millions of people around the world, including Sir Richard Branson, President Clinton, and his Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama. He’s appeared on everything from The Oprah Show to YouTube videos with millions of views. The Biography Channel did an hour feature on his life called, “Three Foot Giant.” His message has been heard at live events in over 15 countries and 47 states over the past 16 years. His latest book, “Get Off Your ‘But!’” has swept the US and been released in over a half dozen languages around the world. As a board certified therapist, Sean uses humor and compassion to develop a fun environment where individuals open their hearts and minds for lasting empowerment to occur.

Empower yourself to bring consciousness and intention to your physical experience in any given moment. Whether you’re driving, sitting at your computer, in a meeting, on the couch, in the kitchen… Bring total awareness to WHAT you do with your body, and HOW you do it, at any given moment during any given day. By being mindful of your physical self, and practicing these 5 Conscious Habits To Transform Your Body, you will begin to experience greater levels of strength, balance, peace, and holistic wellness…

The Principle of IMMENSE POTENTIAL says you are capable of miraculous things.

You’ve got more potential inside you that you could ever develop in a lifetime. Potentials so great that they are almost unimaginable. Powers that would astonish you and everyone around you, if you activated them and put into action.

You have the potential to create a truly extraordinary life for yourself.

You have the potential to be ultra-healthy, immensely wealthy, knowledgeable, vibrant, happy and fulfilled in every area of your life. Just about everyone has that potential. However, most people will never even brush up against their true potential. They won’t realize even a fraction of what they’re truly capable of. Why is that?

What’s the difference between ordinary people and extraordinary people?

Of course this isn’t a simple question, and it doesn’t have a simple answer. There are countless forces involved. But one thing is certain: your Character will play a major role – if not THE major role – in the story of whether or not you actualize yourself and unlock your immense potential. This month we’re focusing on a specific family of Character traits that are seldom talked about in personal development circles… But they’re traits we all need to develop in order to achieve a truly extraordinary life. For lack of a better term, Jon Butcher (our Founder here at Lifebook) calls them the ‘bad ass’ character traits. :) Here they are...

Find out how the “three-foot giant” overcame all odds and forged an unbreakable character in his interview with Jon Butcher. When Sean was born doctors predicted he would not survive past birth because of a rare bone disorder that stunted his growth and caused his bones to be extremely fragile. Despite these challenges, he’s taken a stand for a quality of life that has reached millions of people around the world, including Sir Richard Branson, President Clinton, and his Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama. He’s appeared on everything from The Oprah Show to YouTube videos with millions of views. The Biography Channel did an hour feature on his life called, “Three Foot Giant.” His message has been heard at live events in over 15 countries and 47 states over the past 16 years. His latest book, “Get Off Your ‘But!’” has swept the US and been released in over a half dozen languages around the world. As a board certified therapist, Sean uses humor and compassion to develop a fun environment where individuals open their hearts and minds for lasting empowerment to occur. Find out how he overcame the odds at a young age, and has been forging an unbreakable character ever since in his interview with Jon Butcher below…

The two photos below were taken 20 years apart… to the week. The one on the left was the very first photo in the very first version of my very first Lifebook. It has been in my Health and Fitness chapter for 20 years. I’ve branded that image on my mind… It’s my vision of WHO I AM in the area of Health and Fitness. Missy took the second one the week of my 49th birthday. Two decades is a long time, but not much has changed… I am at the same weight, same waist size, and same body fat percentage as I was 20 years earlier.