Written by Lifebook Member Damion Lupo Over the last few months I started noticing a consistent response when I’d ask people how they were doing with their goals.  I heard one thing more than anything else: “I’m working hard, making progress and moving forward.” Everyone seemed to be using a check-box goal system comprised of visualization + action to drive their lives towards success.  But then I started to think. What if this process is wrong?  What if this process completely masks the key to happiness?

Written by: Lifebook Member Katie M. What happened in today’s mediation is what happened in Lifebook.  My scattered, undirected thoughts, my drifting attention, my unfocused point of view got collected and directed and put to purpose. I came to Lifebook 12 categories mediocre.  Nothing egregious - really.  I’ve had really interesting experiences, traveled the world, my family relationships are mostly very loving and fulfilling.  I recently married the man I’ve loved for over a decade, I’ve been president of a company…  Not a lot of out-right strife.  More like a passive unfolding of a good-looking life that was missing some element that would make it really delicious and really nutritious.  With no “problems” per se, I never felt quite justified in my desire for more or motivated to reach for it.  How can good be not enough?  How can lucky leave me hungry?  How can what looks like "having it all pretty together” be so unsatisfying and even difficult?  Every minute of my time at Lifebook and in the Lifebook boot camp was filled with permission - no imperative - to acknowledge that good isn’t enough; that my hunger for excellence and extraordinary is exactly the fuel to create the life I’m meant to have.  It’s really an amazing shift in perspective.

Warning: Some photos are graphic and should be viewed at reader’s risk. A picture is worth a thousand words. And these photographs are riveting, unforgettable and extraordinarily moving. They say a tremendous amount about the human condition – and some of the best and worst moments in human existence. We should warn our readers that some of these images may be upsetting, while others may fill you with joy. But that’s precisely because these images reflect some of the best and worst parts of the human experience. Whatever emotions they conjure up, it is our hope that these images will remind everyone that the world can always use a little more love, tolerance, and compassion.