Henry Ford said, “If you believe you can, or if you believe you can’t -- you’re probably right.” Our BELIEFS control our thoughts, decisions, behaviors -- and ultimately, our destiny. And one of the most commonly asked questions we get at Lifebook is, “How do I get...

By: Jessi Kohlhagen Wanna know some simple little habits that have absolutely changed my life this year? There are 11 of them, and I recently realized that since implementing these habits, my life has blossomed in ways I honestly couldn’t have even dreamed of just one year ago. I feel more alive, more powerful, more clear and at peace with my life than ever before -- and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt what has created this newfound sense of empowerment and abundance … and it all comes down to my daily habits. You may notice that just about every one of these habits centers around the theme of self-care. Well, that's because I believe that self-care is sacred. It's a spiritual act that protects and regenerates our precious power. And it's usually the first thing that falls by the wayside when life gets busy or tough (which is precisely when we need it the most). So these are the small daily actions that truly feed my soul. They make my personal field of energy and way of being SO BIG, SO TRUE and SO POWERFUL that no external circumstance (no matter how overwhelming or threatening it may seem) can throw me off balance (not without my permission anyway). THESE ARE MY KEYS TO ABUNDANT LIVING, PASSIONATE CREATIVITY, AND DAILY FULFILLMENT.

Here are 11 habits that have completely changed my life this year:

It’s that time of year where millions of people are caught up in the same old goal setting frenzy... They’re hoping to get their careers on track… They’re hoping to finally lose that weight… They’re hoping to get that raise or promotion… Yet in a few short months from now, most of them will be no better off than when they started (one study even suggests that 80% of ALL New Year resolutions fail by February). In this quick 2-minute video, I explain why almost all New Years resolutions are destined to fail, and offer a powerful alternative. Watch the video below, and find out how you can take your most important goals to the next level by creating a clear and compelling vision for your entire life.

There’s something absolutely magical about this time of year: the twinkling lights, cozy fires, joyous cheer being spread by everyone, and perhaps most exciting of all, the anticipation of turning the page of our lives to a brand new chapter. It’s a season of celebration, love,...

“Happiness is not something that you have, it’s something that you do.” -Dr. Joel Wade As a psychotherapist, life coach, and teacher, Dr. Joel has been working with people for nearly 40 years (including myself, and my mentor and Dr. Nathaniel Branden). As a result, he’s become a...

CBD seems to be a big buzzword these days. From tinctures and vape oils to skincare products and bath bombs, it seems like everything is infused with this new “miracle medicine.”

So what exactly is CBD, and what makes it so amazing?

CBD is short for Cannabidiol, which is a compound found in cannabis plants. There are over 100 different cannabinoids found within the plant (THC being the most famous for its ability to get you “high”). Unlike THC, CBD has no psychoactive effects, is 100% legal, and is currently revolutionizing the world of medicine as we know it. CBD is truly one of the most remarkable compounds in the natural world. According to research, cannabinoids synergize and help support humans’ built-in Endocannabinoid System (ECS). It was in 1992 that scientists discovered that the ECS plays a direct role in homeostasis, which regulates every metabolic process in the body, such as pain sensation, appetite, temperature regulation, stress reactivity, immune function, and sleep, as well as other processes. Even more interesting is that muscle and fat tissue also utilize these receptors to control their processes. So basically, CBD communicates with our body’s main command center to keep things running as they should. Pretty amazing.

By Jessi Kohlhagen We’ve all experienced the weight of regret after reacting impulsively to a challenging situation. In the heat of the moment we’re often compelled to do or say things that feel necessary or satisfying at the time, only to look back and agonize over the fact that we made a bad situation much worse with our carelessness. We’ve all experienced the other side of the coin as well, and felt the glory, grace and liberation that comes from taking the high road. But what, exactly, does it mean to “take the high road?” As Laura Markham so eloquently puts it... "The high road is love. The low road is fear. Always choose love, as often as you can."

By Jon and Missy Butcher Affirmations are one of the simplest, most powerful tools you can use to improve the quality of your life instantaneously. They’ve worked miracles for Missy and I over the years, and they do the same for millions of positive thinkers all over...