My Lifebook experience was one I will never forget. The last day of the program came way too quickly. It was so hard to leave the people in our group – those I felt so close to and would hold so dear in my heart. It was hard to leave a place where I felt so much love. It was a sad day for me, but also one of the single most joyous days of my life. It was a rebirth. I had spent four days of soul-searching, learning that no matter what happened to me, I could deal with it because I now had new tools to work with. I had new ways to approach concerns and new ways to try things out.

I remember when I was first diagnosed with cancer, how I instantly thought I was going to pass out. Amazing the power of the brain and how fast our bodies react to shocking news. I also remember how helpless I felt after reading the stats of this cancer.  It stuck in my mind - 100% fatal if met with the liver, normally within six months. I ignored the stats for over a year, never realizing that those very numbers were instilled in my subconscious mind. It was then that I found Lifebook - and it was an absolute turning point for me. I was at a low point in my life and Lifebook was just what I needed. I realized then, at the young age of 56, that my whole life was ahead of me. And it’s never to late to change. The concept that ‘Thoughts become things’ made me realize I needed to reprogram 50 years of beliefs. Since that time, and after over 90 books and countless hours of audio programs, I have opened my mind to a whole new world. I changed my environment, removed as many chemicals from everyday life (including rubbing any toxins on my skin - our body’s biggest organ). I found a diet program that worked for me.   I began consuming natural foods, not the processed garbage we call food in America, but whole foods that nourish the body, the way God intended. After being labeled with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and borderline high sugar, my Dr. at the time said, ‘Mike, both your parents had it as well. Here are free drug samples, we have NO other choice.’  But I made the choice that day to throw those drugs in the trash, and within six months all my blood levels were normal, and all by changing my diet.

By: Lifebook Member Mike Kevorkian I want to share a few things with you that have had some impact on my life in the past couple of weeks since my Lifebook Session. First, I went through my VIP Membership 4th quarter goal planning. I got so much out of it that I decided to make everyone in my office do a similar exercise for business (money, production, lead generation etc). It was a total hit! I had everyone list their 5 biggies for the next 3 months and break each of them down. Then they were all required to get up and share their goals with the rest of the office the following week. Everyone was so pumped up today when we reviewed our 4th quarter goals - there was more excitement in that conference room today than I have seen in years! Every single person that works for me knows exactly what they want, what they have to do to make it happen and how to go get it. This one exercise has literally brought my entire company together and for the first time everyone feels like we are a team.

Written By:  Lifebook Member Kevin Donahue

When going on a long journey, having a map is important.  A GPS makes the ride even more comfortable.  But having a DESTINATION that you look forward to is the key!

My LIFEBOOK has given me my destinations.  I've found that life is so much better when we create BIG things to look forward to: Weddings, vacations, new homes, promotions, new business ventures, exciting partnerships, the birth of a child, etc.  All of these things create excitement in our hearts, put a pep in our step and give us an internal guidance system that somehow gets us there no matter what.  

Written By:  Lifebook Member Andrea Metcalf

Health and fitness changes are at the forefront of everyone's mind.  We know we need to take care of ourselves - we know that when we do, we feel so much better.  But somehow the time slips past and we've not only missed a workout for the day, but we have also missed meal planning.  This is where the excuse of "only 24 hours in a day" comes into play.

"Time is a created thing. To say 'I don't have time,' is like saying, 'I don't want to.'" - Lao Tzu

However, in this case, I know you do want to make changes and you will make the time.  Let me share with you a few simple things you can do to instantly change your health:

Article by Lifebook Member Jason Moore
If you’re like most people, when it comes to eating, and drinking, it tends to go one of two ways: either you eat and drink for pleasure OR you eat and drink for health. And probably do a lot of yo-yoing between the two. Most people believe they can’t have it both ways – it seems like nothing that’s pleasurable to eat and drink can really be good for you and nothing that’s good for you can really be pleasurable to eat and drink. This is BULLSHIT! A limited view of eating and drinking all begins with a limited definition of “health”. So, let’s ask the question, “what is health any way”?

Article by Greg Schulte
My story is about FREEDOM.  It serves as the ultimate representation that a win ANYWHERE is a win EVERYWHERE.  It is an honor to share with you. Before attending Lifebook I could never have imagined that bringing clarity, confidence and focused action to a single area of my life could erupt into such rapidly expanding positive changes in every OTHER area of my life.

Article by Chris and Christina Grier
“When going through Lifebook in December of last year, one of the breakthroughs I had was realizing the incompetence I had developed concerning my most important relationships. I have been so focused for the past 10 years on my careers, first as a high school teacher, then pursuing my chiropractic education and starting a fast growing chiropractic wellness center, that I badly neglected other important categories of life, particularly my relationships. It came into crisp focus that the relationship most in need of repair was with my wife, Christina.

Article by Keenan Wells
I was 18 when I smoked my first cigarette. Unfortunately it became a habit and I quickly found myself smoking a pack a day. For 5 years I smoked heavily, drank more than I’d care to admit and completely neglected my body. I had attempted to quit smoking a few times, but it was always temporary. I didn’t have a strong purpose.