What is your true relationship with money? In order to answer this question, we need to look to our daily emotional experience of money. How do we feel about money as we are earning it, spending it, managing it, sharing it? Do we have an empowered, inspired, creation-oriented view? Or do we worry, stress, grasp and withhold? Regardless of where you land on the financial-emotional spectrum, one of the best ways to empower yourself to create positive change & growth is to educate, motivate and inspire yourself. With this in mind, we’ve pulled together a short & sweet little list of alllll our favorite financial books. MAKE IT A GOAL THIS MONTH to invest time and energy in yourself by purchasing just one of these books, and watch how expansive your financial life becomes! Be sure to share your favorites at the bottom of the post, if you don’t see them listed here!

Are you searching for your dream tribe of extraordinary soul-friends? We all yearn for the deep sense of belonging and wellbeing that can only come from being an integral part of a larger community. Yet when it comes to actually finding or creating community, many of us are left scratching our heads wondering how on earth people do it. This begs the question… How can we consciously create our dream community, and our greater vision for our social lives? And while there are countless social strategies, tips and tricks you can explore, we hope this sweet & simple article serves as a reminder of three powerful social premises:

1. Extraordinary relationships require you to be an extraordinary individual first (you have to create what you want to be a part of) 2. You can always grow, right where you’re planted 3. Making friends is often so much simpler than we make it out be

At Lifebook, we believe that cultivating conscious community is not only possible for everyone -- it’s a vital part of human health, happiness and life success.

CBD seems to be a big buzzword these days. From tinctures and vape oils to skincare products and bath bombs, it seems like everything is infused with this new “miracle medicine.”

So what exactly is CBD, and what makes it so amazing?

CBD is short for Cannabidiol, which is a compound found in cannabis plants. There are over 100 different cannabinoids found within the plant (THC being the most famous for its ability to get you “high”). Unlike THC, CBD has no psychoactive effects, is 100% legal, and is currently revolutionizing the world of medicine as we know it. CBD is truly one of the most remarkable compounds in the natural world. According to research, cannabinoids synergize and help support humans’ built-in Endocannabinoid System (ECS). It was in 1992 that scientists discovered that the ECS plays a direct role in homeostasis, which regulates every metabolic process in the body, such as pain sensation, appetite, temperature regulation, stress reactivity, immune function, and sleep, as well as other processes. Even more interesting is that muscle and fat tissue also utilize these receptors to control their processes. So basically, CBD communicates with our body’s main command center to keep things running as they should. Pretty amazing.

By Jessi Kohlhagen We’ve all experienced the weight of regret after reacting impulsively to a challenging situation. In the heat of the moment we’re often compelled to do or say things that feel necessary or satisfying at the time, only to look back and agonize over the fact that we made a bad situation much worse with our carelessness. We’ve all experienced the other side of the coin as well, and felt the glory, grace and liberation that comes from taking the high road. But what, exactly, does it mean to “take the high road?” As Laura Markham so eloquently puts it... "The high road is love. The low road is fear. Always choose love, as often as you can."

Are you searching for your dream tribe of extraordinary soul-friends? We all yearn for the deep sense of belonging and wellbeing that can only come from being an integral part of a larger community. Yet when it comes to actually finding or creating community, many of us...

Do you wish to bring a greater sense of calm, presence, ease and intention to your parenting? If you’re like 99.9% of parents, your answer is probably “YES!” Parenting is one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences in the world… and the goal of becoming extraordinary...

Everyone communicates love in different ways, so understanding each other's specific love language may be beneficial to your relationship. According to Gary Chapman, Ph.D., author of "The Five Love Languages," once you and your partner have identified with one of the five languages, you both...

In an age of overwhelming concern over child safety, Gever Tulley is breaking all the rules. Nowadays, parents believe their child is so vulnerable — to injury, to teasing, to disease and disappointment — that they hover like a helicopter over their children, ready to swoop in if anything remotely “bad” happens. Tulley, founder of San Francisco’s Tinkering School, finds this approach to interacting with our children to be disempowering, to say the least. And in his recent TED Talk, he spells out 5 dangerous things you should actually encourage your kids to do. Because, as we’re about to find out -- a little danger is good for both kids and grownups.