Written by Gloria Kopp Setting out to search for a job can sometimes be a long, arduous journey. And, even if this isn't the first time you've set out to look for a job, it's never an easy or fun task. There are usually some ups,...

Written by Jessi Kohlhagen You have been blessed with the power to choose. Every living, breathing moment, you are making a choice. What to eat, how to move, how to react, how to breathe, what information to consume, what desires to indulge, how much to work, how much to play, who to connect with, how to care for yourself… The average adult makes around 35,000 choices each day. The beautiful thing about being human is that we have the power to make these choices consciously or unconsciously. And whichever we choose will consistently deliver, in tangible and measurable form, a quality of experience that harmonizes with our choices.
The Evolution of Our Consciousness
Making conscious choices can be a tricky thing, because our experience of “consciousness” is a moving, evolving, unfolding experience. It’s extremely difficult (if not impossible) to see our current blind spots because, well, we’re blind to them!

Written by Lifebook contributor Paige Johnson For some people, it seems like a healthy lifestyle comes naturally. No matter what stressful event life throws at them, they never seem to be thrown off of their health game. Day in, day out, they stick to a healthy diet, avoid unhealthy habits, and exercise. They even find a way to smile about the whole ordeal. This begs the question, how do healthy people stick to their lifestyle?
It starts with a smile
Being happy about your current lifestyle may not be a realistic choice right now due to a few bad habits that you possess. Despite this, you could find something to smile about, like the fact that you are reading this and hoping to learn what the winning ticket to a healthy lifestyle is. The benefits of smiling can be vital to the success of your healthy lifestyle goal, thanks to the way that smiling promotes positive feelings. This trick will work regardless of whether or not the smile is real, and it may help you maintain a good mood throughout the day. The uplifting mood a smile generates is nothing to scoff at either. Your happy, smiling face can aid you in alleviating stress and tension on a molecular level. Over time, the physical relaxation you feel could make you more productive, meaning that you may find yourself a bit more eager to go on a walk or hit the gym.
Where to improve
Now that you have your go-to energy booster, it is time to decide on which unhealthy habit you would like to eliminate from your daily routine. Make the first habit you pick as specific as possible, and preferably something you can change right now. By focusing on removing one bad habit at a time, the odds of succeeding greatly increase. If you opt to choose a habit you can alter right now, it becomes more probable that you will start your healthy lifestyle transition today.

Lifebook Pocast Host Jordan River presents his top 6 favorite podcasts mind-expanding podcasts in honor of Intellectual Month. Each of these podcasts are informative and creative… and there’s sure to be something for everyone. Click here to download the audio (right click player and "save as"). Here are...

Written by Jessi Kohlhagen Fear. It can stop us from doing great things, and it can keep us holding tight to the things that are hurting us. Most people operate in unconscious avoidance of fear, enabling it to color their thoughts, feelings and patterns. This causes them to procrastinate, lash out at others, react unconsciously, shrink in insecurity, hold themselves back from connecting with people in a meaningful way, and continually poison their dreams with doubt. Trust me, I get it. I’ve spent the better part of two years diving headfirst into my fears, exploring the terrain of my inner wilderness, and recovering the pieces of my soul that lie hidden deep within. It is no easy task. As Carl Jung said, “There is no birth of consciousness without pain.” But if I’ve learned anything through it all, it’s this… Every single decision we make in life is motivated by one of two things: fear or faith. In each and every moment, we have the power to choose. The key is to become aware of what motivates our choices, and to slowly, gently ease ourselves more and more in the direction of courage, trust and freedom. Because here’s what most people don’t realize… The lack of acknowledgment and exploration of our fears is exactly what gives them power. You can squirm over, under and around your fear. But you will never overcome it, or discover the treasure it contains, until you walk straight through it.
Here are 36 Quotes to Move You From Fear to Freedom:

Written by Lifebook Vice President, Sandra Garest
Why be great?
Why focus on excellence and continuous improvement? Sure it takes effort, discipline and gigantic focus to live an extraordinary, world-class life. So why do it? Because it makes you feel good, which makes it all worth it. It all centers around this big idea… Playing below your potential makes you feel bad about yourself.

Just about everyone in the world has a bad habit they’d like to quit. Whether it’s smoking, sugar, shopping, nail biting, porn, excessive social media or TV, or any other distraction… for better or worse, we humans are wired for habitual behavior. The problem is, most of...