33 Money Mantras to Become a Master Manifestor!

If we are the creators of our own reality (which we are!) then becoming conscious of the reality we choose to create is essential.

When it comes to money, aligning our thoughts, feelings and actions is the absolute KEY To manifesting abundance into our lives.

Here are 33 money mantras to activate your inner manifestor and connect you to the stream of infinite universal abundance:

I always have enough.
I am provided for in every way.
When it comes to money, I am deeply relaxed and grateful.
Prosperity of every kind flows abundantly into my life.
Additional money comes to me in delightfully unexpected ways.
All financial obstacles and resistances clear from my path as I strengthen my consciousness, clarity and inner power.
I am financially free.
I have more money than I know how to spend.
Money flows into my life with unimaginable frequency.
I am open to receive all the wealth this world has to offer.
I welcome all new opportunities to provide value and earn more income.
I am a limitless being, connected to limitless source, receiving abundance in limitless ways.
I have mastered the tools to manifest money into my life.
My relationship with money is clear, powerful and abundant.
I am so worthy of the money I earn, and I use it to improve my life and the world.
Money is constantly flowing into my life in miraculous ways.
I have $_______ in my bank account, which allows me to fulfill all my desires and spill abundance over to others.
Money amplifies my absolute LOVE for life.
I trust that more money is coming to me now.
Every dollar I spend consciously in alignment with my values comes back to me multiplied.
I have multiple streams of income and endless passion and energy to contribute at a high level to others.
People love giving me money because of all that I have to offer.
I am so grateful for the money I currently have, as well as the money that’s on its way into my life.
I have a healthy, non-grasping relationship toward money. I allow it to flow in AND out of my life with ease, trust and gratitude.
I release all resistances in my relationship with money.
I activate my power to create my own reality and declare myself ready to manifest all that I desire on this earth.
I claim my power to create abundance NOW.
I believe abundance is an INSIDE job, first and foremost.
In an abundance mindset and state of true flow, I manifest more money than I ever could by force.
Every thought, feeling and behavior in my life is directed toward creating and manifesting the financial outcome I desire.
I am in absolute and total control / power over my financial life.
As abundance fills my being and my life, it spills over into the world around me and fills others as well.
Creativity and abundance fills my life and I infinitely expand my reach to both give and receive.

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