Be Cause

According to Newton’s law of motion, every action has an equal and opposite reaction.  This is a universally acknowledged fact which be applied beyond physics to most any situation.  Newton’s law plays a predominant role in our lives through what is known as ‘Cause and Effect’.  Our choices often lead us to take the actions that set the wheels of our lives in motion. Our actions are the causes that return to us with results.  Every choice we make and action we take has a consequence. It is important to understand which actions lead to the best results and which actions are affecting our lives in ways we would like to change.

The more knowledge we gain about our personal causes and their related effects, the easier it becomes for us to make good decisions.  A great way to prime ourselves for good decision-making is to mentally prepare for our expected accomplishments.  Athletes do this by visualizing the result they desire before they take action.  Some painters do this before putting their brush to a canvas.  One way you can mentally prepare to achieve great results is by reciting a short but empowering affirmation each morning.  This can set the tone for your entire day, and motivate you on a subconscious level.  By reciting your personal affirmation out loud each morning you take the first step toward committing to your goals.  Give it a try – it only takes a few minutes!

The Lifebook Affirmation

One of the most empowering and positive ways to begin your day is with a short meditational affirmation.  Simply take a moment each morning to quiet your mind and focus on what you really want out of your day in all 12 categories; what you want to accomplish, how you want to behave, how you want to treat others, who you want to be as a human being. Remember – what you put out is what you get in return, and you must become the CAUSE in order to achieve the EFFECTS you want in your life.

Take a look below to get an idea of what a finished affirmation might look like, and then use the following sample sentences to help you customize your own affirmation within the 12 Categories!  Try to begin every day by focusing on it for 5 minutes and SEE WHAT HAPPENS! (Plus let us know!)


Today I will dedicate myself to being the best person I can be in every area of my life.

Today I will treat my body like the irreplaceable treasure it is. I will eat right, I will exercise, and I will take great care of my physical self.  Today I will feel GREAT.

Today I will dedicate myself to learning something new, exciting and useful. I am especially interested in Health and Nutrition.

Today I will commit to experiencing the emotional states I value most, especially joyfulness because I will positively effect the people around me.

Today I will practice the character traits I want to build into my life.  I will particularly focus on self-discipline, because that will effect all of the choices I make today.

Today I will spend 15 minutes connecting with my higher life purpose through meditation.

Today I will be the best spouse possible for my lover. I will treat him/her with kindness, adoration, support and respect.

Today I will set a wonderful example for my children for how to live a great life.

Today I’ll be conscious of who I spend my time with, and aware of cherishing, appreciating and nourishing the relationships that are most important in my life.  I will do this by sending each of my best friends a short love message.

Today I will create immense value for the people around me and earn a profit proportionate to that action.

Today I will use my career to express the best that is inside of me.  I will give each of my tasks 110%.  I will remember that “How you do anything is how you do everything.”

Today I will create the best possible quality of life I can for myself and my loved ones, and I’ll help others around me do the same.

Today I will advance confidently toward my life vision. I will end this day in a better, more beautiful place than where I began this morning. I am dedicated to doing this every day of my life.


My Health and Fitness

Today I will treat my body like the irreplaceable treasure it is. I will eat right, I will exercise, and I will take great care of my physical self.  Today I will feel GREAT.

Today I will physically push myself that extra 2 miles or 15 minutes in my exercise.  I will work harder than ever to obtain the results I want.

Today I will eat only fresh, healthy foods and give my body the nourishment it needs and deserves.  In doing this I will feel WONDERFUL and have the energy I need to pull me through all of my other goals.

Today I will be conscious of my body.  I will maintain good posture, eat slowly and healthily, breathe steadily and deeply and stretch.

Today I will be beautiful.  I will wear flattering clothes, do my hair and makeup and feel GREAT about myself.

My Intellectual Life

Today I will dedicate myself to learning something new, exciting and useful. I am especially interested in XXX.

Today I will think only positive, loving and motivational thoughts.  Today I will not allow any room for negativity in my head.

Today I will sharpen my intellectual abilities by meditating for 15 minutes and allowing myself mental peace.

Today I will begin the book I’ve been meaning to read.

Today I will listen to an audio program while I work out, so I can get an hour of both physical and intellectual stimulation.

My Emotional Life

Today I will commit to experiencing the emotional states I value most, especially XXX because XXX.

Today I will be in an emotionally peaceful state.  I will be calm and happy.

Today I will remember, “Nothing in life is worth the price of worry”.

Today I will not let anything put me in a bad mood.  I am committed to taking responsibility for the emotions I experience, and doing my best to keep them healthy and positive.

My Character

Today I will practice the character traits I want to build into my life.  I will particularly focus on XXX, because XXX.

Today I will BE the person I want to be.  I will act the way my ideal self would act, and make choices that will inspire the person I want to become.

Today I will appreciate myself for all that I am.  I will treat myself with love, respect and pride for the person I am, and the person I am becoming.

Today I will have confidence and courage in myself and my abilities.  I will not let fear or worry stand in the way of my goals.

My Spiritual Life

Today I will spend 15 minutes connecting with my higher life purpose, which is XXX.

Today I will spend 15 minutes connecting with my higher power through prayer.

Today I will spend 30 minutes outside connecting with nature, breathing fresh air and appreciating my world.

Today I will spend time connecting with my body and soul through yoga and meditation.

Today I will let my purpose in life drive each of my actions forward.

My Love Relationship

Today I will be the best partner possible for my lover. I will treat him/her with kindness, adoration, support and respect.

Today I will treat my husband/wife like a King/Queen.  I will show him/her undying love and devotion through each of my actions.

Today I will surprise my partner with affection.  I will do this by sending him/her an email just to say I love you, and cooking a delicious gourmet dinner for him/her after work.

Today I will be attractive, in that I will attract the kind of man/woman into my life by being the kind of partner I would want to be with.


Today I will set a wonderful example for my children for how to live a great life.

Today I will spend high quality time with my children.  During my time with them I will not be distracted, and I will focus solely on my experience with them.

Today I will show appreciation and love for each of my children.  I will do this by XXX.

Today I will remember what it was like to be a child and surround myself with my favorite children in my life.

Today I will support and encourage each of my children’s special talents and abilities by XXX.

My Social Life

Today I’ll be conscious of who I spend my time with, and aware of cherishing, appreciating and nourishing the relationships that are most important in my life.  I will do this by XXX.

Today I will make a special effort to show how much I love and care for my extended family.  I will do this by XXX.

Today I will think of the people that are most important in my life, and remember why I adore each of them.

Today I will send positive, loving energy to all the people in my life by XXX.

My Financial Life

Today I will create immense value for the people around me and earn a profit proportionate to that action.

Today I will work XXX and make $$$.

Today I will get my finances in order and eliminate that source of stress in my life.

Today I will open a savings account and begin putting 10% away each month.

My Career

Today I will use my career to express the best that is inside of me.  I will give each of my tasks 110%.  I will remember that “How you do anything is how you do everything.”

Today I will focus ENTIRELY on what I give, instead of what I get.  I will give everything my undivided attention and commitment, and work to my maximum ability.

Today I will go out of my way to connect with each of my coworkers/employees, and show a true desire to develop genuine relationships with them.

Today I will get my entire task list complete.  I will finish all of the jobs I start and begin a new day tomorrow.

Today I will push myself to work ahead.  I will set myself up to work XXX days ahead of schedule.

My Quality of Life

Today I will create the best possible quality of life I can for myself and my loved ones, and I’ll help others around me do the same.

Today I will keep ALL of my environments spotless.  I will keep them clean, organized and efficient.

Today I will listen to calming, motivational music.  I will set the mood for the emotions I want to experience.

Today I will HAVE FUN with everything I do.  I will maintain a positive, joyful attitude and thoroughly enjoy each of my tasks.

Today I will buy myself to XXX I’ve always wanted.  Having it will improve my XXX, and my overall Quality of Life.

Today I will book a trip to XXX.  I will commit to it and get EXCITED!

My Life Vision

Today I will advance confidently toward my life vision. I will end this day in a better, more beautiful place than where I began this morning. I am dedicated to doing this every day of my life.

Today I will mentally envision myself in the life of my dreams.  I will do this XXX times throughout the day.  Thoughts become things!

Today I am another day closer to my future, and living the life of my dreams.  I will use this day to pull me forward into manifesting all that I desire.

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