How Lifebook Changed My Family’s Future…

My beautiful wife Elizabeth had been to Lifebook twice. When she came home, she talked briefly about it but we were in a very strained relationship and I’m sure this inhibited further discussion. Our marriage was in a rough way because of emotional and financial concerns. She had told me she wanted a separation but I told her that was on her because I was not leaving our kids. We lived separated in the same house for over a year . Things slowly started to change and we started to regain some sense of a marriage.

Through Lifebook we were presented the opportunity for a program called Project Double. We are both Chiropractors and that’s what this program was all about. It assembled the greatest minds in business, marketing, and Chiropractic. The founder of Project Double is also the founder of Lifebook!

Elizabeth and I were on a call with Jon and I was overwhelmed by his kindness, caring and empathy. I’ve been a chiropractor for almost thirty years with some good years and some not so good years. I remember telling Jon I want to finish strong in business and life. On a follow up call, we discussed Project Double in more detail. I remember saying… if not now, then when?

Lifebook was the first step in the program that we started just eight weeks ago. It has been my Lifeline that pulls me forward every day. Elizabeth and I have a focused Life Vision that is our daily fuel for life. We still fall short of goals and commitments but we both know where we are going and that we will accomplish that life vision! We will accomplish it because of the incredible system we are part of.

Our relationship is growing, our business is growing, and our life is growing together! We look ahead for great things! Eight simple weeks ago I had no idea where we were heading. Today I know that with certainty!

Thank you Lifebook for changing my life and our family’s future!

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