Judith Shares Her Lifebook Journey…

Starting Lifebook in January 2017, with my beloved partner Lieven, changed my life and my family.

The first little assignment — the “Stop Doing List” — brought awareness to my day, my hours, my minutes of useless wasted time. By creating this list, I dedicated myself to really stopping some habits I did not want in my life anymore. Now, every time I get into the temptation, I remember myself of my commitment.

For the first time really thinking through my beliefs about the different areas of my life, I had a lot of insight, and recognized what I needed to change so that I could be even more positive and effective in my journey in life. I saw and felt the connections between the categories. By focusing on one goal in a category, a lot of other goals in other categories were affected.

The sharing and discussions I had with Lieven were so worthwhile, it deepened our love relationship tremendously.

Lifebook got me. I really wanted to put a lot of energy in it each week. Every book I read, I connected to one of more of the categories. Every documentary I saw, or article I read, I took the learnings and put them in my Lifebook. I really feel that I can control my life by having this Lifebook.

Lifebook’s VIP Bootcamp came, and by making my Life Vision concrete week-by-week, I saw the way I could accomplish it. I got much more focused and disciplined.

Every morning, I get up at 5:50am to start with MY hour of yoga, meditation, reading, writing, and affirmations. Such a start of the day, is a win for the whole day. My kids have a very peaceful mother in the morning to get them to school. They even see what it does to me, so they are getting up earlier to do the exercises they want to do (in a separate room, because it is my time alone). After the kids have gone to school, I start the day by looking at my weekly and monthly goals. Oh, what a help to prioritize.

My life is more energized and connected now.

I know where I want to go and how to accomplish it. More important, I know WHY I want it, because that makes it so much stronger. There are still some obstacles, but knowing that there is a Lifebook community helps them unravel.

Belonging to Lifebook’s VIP community is a big opportunity. Every month getting new information on a category keeps you focused and helps your life vision get even clearer. I am so grateful for being introduced to Lifebook by Mindvalley.

Thank you Jon and Missy for getting Lifebook out in the world.

The first time my partner and I saw you in a Mindvalley masterclass we were so touched. Your way of living, your values and your love relationship is SO in line with our values, relationship and wishes for life that we felt immediately at HOME.

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