Patricia’s 60th Birthday Gift

Written By Lifebook Member Patricia Pilla

I just completed LifeBook on February 23, 2014, my 60th birthday.  I thought at this time in my life, I would never change and boy was I surprised to learn that I am just starting!!!  LifeBook brought me to new levels of thinking and my mindset is strong on what goals I want to accomplish to get to my vision on what I want in my life.

I am so exciting to be starting my Lifebook Bootcamp and VIP membership.  The world is at my fingertips and I am going all out and reaching higher than I ever did before.

Here I come LifeBook, ready or not!!!  Thanks for everything and I now found my place of hope and dreams with members who have the same mindset as me. I have a great team and have made wonderful connections new found friendships.

All I can say is AWESOME!!


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