Selecting and Organizing Your Digital Photos For Your Lifebook Session

Personal photos make your Lifebook beautiful and give it a powerful emotional charge.

General Tips:
  • You will want to bring photographs that evoke positive and inspiring emotions.
  • Get them as organized as you can by category. If you can, we recommend choosing 12 great horizontal photos for the cover page of each of the categories!
  • Photos of yourself will be helpful in many of the Personal Life categories.
  • Pictures of yourself with your lover, family and friends are perfect for your Relationship Categories.
  • Nature photos or pictures of anything that inspires and motivates you can be great for a number of categories.
  • You may also want to include photographs of the places you love and the things/experiences you want in your life.

Exploring the 12 Categories

Health & Fitness

You really want to personalize this category. Choose shots that inspire you to get in or stay in great shape. Do you have any photos of yourself working out? If not, you may want to get one taken. Most importantly, find a vertical image of your ideal body. You might choose a picture that was taken when you were in the best shape of your life, or a photo from a magazine of the body you would like to have. Choose a great horizontal image for the cover page of this category.

Intellectual Life

This category is about thinking – using your mind to create your ideal life. It’s not an especially easy category to illustrate. We’ve provided some great stock photography for you, but you should try to personalize the category as much as you can. You might choose a couple pictures of yourself in thought – working, planning, designing, or solving a problem. What kind of thinking do you like to think about? Choose shots that remind you of the importance of your mind.

Emotional Life

This category is simple – and you’ll want it to be highly personal. Choose photos that evoke wonderful, positive emotions like love, happiness, laughter, peacefulness, and joy. Shots of you with people you love, doing things you love, going places you love. Choose photos that make you happy just by looking at them.


This category is about the person you really want to become. Although we provide some great stock photography, you should have some good pictures of yourself in this chapter. You should pick photos that relate to the specific personality traits that you want to build into your life. Courage? Compassion? Self – esteem? Find photos that remind you of the character you want to build.

Spiritual Life

What kind of things make you fell spiritually connected? Is it the ocean? The mountains? Taking a walk in nature? Church? Fellowship? Helping others? Try to find photos that relate to your spiritual beliefs.

Love Relationship

If you are in a love relationship, bring the best, most romantic pictures you have of you and your love – past and present. If you are not in a relationship right now, maybe find a few pictures of your ideal mate. This is a highly personal chapter, and it should be as customized as possible.


If you’re a parent, bring your favorite pictures of your children. Focus on you playing and interacting with them. If you’re not a parent, you may want to bring pictures of the children in your life; nieces, nephews, cousins, neighbors. The more the better in this category.

Social Life

Bring photos of you and your best friends as well as your extended family.  Think of photos that represent fond memories and your experiences with them. Lots of them.

Financial Life

This category is about money. It’s not especially easy to illustrate, but we have provided great stock photography. If you have any pictures that relate to wealth, by all means bring them. Otherwise, we have this category handled for you.


Do you have any great shots of you at work? What is your ideal job? Can you get some photography of that? Try to bring pictures of yourself that relate to your career.

Quality of Life

This category is about things, experiences and your environments. Bring shots of the things you want to have; cars, boats, your dream house. Bring shots of the experiences you want in your life; places you want to go, things you want to do, sites you want to see. These shots can come from any source – you can scan them from books or magazines. Pick a great cover shot that reminds you of the fantastic quality of life you want to live.

Life Vision

How do you envision your ideal future? Bring photos of the ideal life you’re looking forward to building and the person you’re becoming.

If you don’t have many digital photos, don’t worry!

We’ll provide you with high quality stock photography to fill every page of your Lifebook, so you will leave your Lifebook Session with a beautiful and inspirational Lifebook, regardless!

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at concierge@mylifebook and we will be happy to help!

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