The Power of Experiencing Lifebook in High School

Written by Lifebook Member Carola B.

I could not have started Lifebook at a better time.

I went through the program in August before starting my senior year in high school, and it brought me great clarity — not only in what I wanted in my education and career, but unexpected categories like emotional and social life — to help me through this milestone school year, and beyond.

Before Lifebook I was just “winging it” through life, not really knowing what I wanted or living consciously, wasting time on trivial matters and people that did not help me and that I did not enjoy. You know, being a silly kid.

Now I know what I want in every aspect of my life and I can visualize these dreams actually manifesting. This newfound clarity is the most life-changing and exciting experience. I can picture things the way I want them and work towards these images in my mind every day because I have the confidence that my life will turn out the way I choose.

I have become very productive. Many people have actually commented on how driven I seem these days, and I know this inspiration has stemmed from Lifebook and the excitement that surrounds having my life more “figured out.”

I know what I want to study and do in my career now, and I know what kind of friendships and romantic relationships I want, and this has made me more aware of who belongs in my life and who does not.

Lifebook’s VIP Bootcamp got me organized on how to accomplish what I want, and my “Stop Doing List” in particular has really changed how I think (along with the concept that we are completely in control of our destinies). At the top of my Stop Doing List is “I will STOP thinking of trivial matters and people who do not enrich my life.” This has changed my life completely.

I feel as if I am not wasting my time now and am focusing on quality people and tasks instead of boring, toxic things that drain me. This concept has given me closure with breakups and losing friends, as well as giving away objects I do not love or use anymore. I feel free. I am a minimalist now and have chosen to enjoy experiences over objects. The world is my oyster, and I realize I want to travel after meeting people at Lifebook. I even made a list of places I want to visit by the time I’m 30 and I look at it from time to time.

The concept of being able to actively choose which emotions I want feel is very empowering, and I have chosen confidence and happiness over stress and regret of the past.

This submission has been lightly edited for length and/or clarity.

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