The Power of Lifebook for a Young Adult

By: Lucas F.

When I was about to begin my Lifebook session, I had huge expectations. I really believed this experience would be significant enough to change my life. After 4 days, I’m convinced it will!

My answer for the first question we were asked Thursday morning was: “I want to have a feeling that I know which direction I’m supposed to and I want to go.” And now I realize that’s not what Lifebook is all about. It’s not a magic recipe for success, no one is telling you what to do. It’s not teaching you what to think, nor how to think. IT MAKES YOU THINK. I feel like this is the best thing I’ve done so far – thought about my life deeply.

I always knew I had potential to live a good, comfortable life. But when I was planning and thinking about my life – my future – it was never extraordinary. Lifebook made me realize I was limiting myself. Now I know I deserve all there in on our planet. I deserve the best, I want it all, I want to achieve amazing life success. Moreover, what’s the most important is that I know – I am 110% confident that I will achieve it – no doubt about that. How? By implementing my strategy, by achieving all my goals, one by one. I know that’s the path I should walk… that’s the path to my ideal life.

There are so many important things that I learned this week, I’m not able to point all of them out right now. New thoughts are coming into my head constantly. It’s not that I haven’t thought about my life before Lifebook, but it was shallow, limited thinking.

“I think, therefore I am.” – I’ve known this proposition for a long time now, but now I get it’s true meaning.

I am so grateful I could experience Lifebook at such an early stage of my life. Having thought about life so deeply at so young an age will truly mark my bright, extraordinary future. Being life conscious is the best thing that could happen to me.


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