What F are you working for?

Written by Lifebook Member, Damion Lupo

Getting up at the crack of dawn, you rush, you wash, you run and you work. And then you continue with this thing called “Work” for 8 or 10 or 12 hours a day, the best hours of your day and of your life.

So what F are you working for exactly?

Are you working for your Family? Are you making that 2 hour commute, working late and on weekends to provide for your family and give them what you never had or to be a good provider?

Maybe your Future? Are you working to save and invest enough to retire? Is your F a Fortune?

Are you working for Fame? Working hard to be Famous? Why?

Maybe you’re working hard for your Fetishes? Your unconscious spending at Lululemon, daily Starbucks mocha lattes and hip new restaurants, exotic travel, flashy new cars, big houses, fine clothes, etc.

Could it be you’re working for your Friends? Are you heading into the office to hang out with the boys or girls in your working tribal family? Maybe you’re working hard so your friends don’t call you a slouch or because it’s easier to punch a clock or maintain status quo than to forge your own unique path, a path called crazy?

Maybe you’re working from Faith – a deep trust that your sweat will make a difference in the world, make it a better place?

Is it possible you might just be working to serve FEAR. Fears like…

…running out of money, of being homeless, of being shamed, of starving, of the repoman or maybe even of judgment if you weren’t working, what would “they” think?

Or might you be working for the ultimate human achievement, FREEDOM?

If you’re working for Freedom, ask yourself if the work you’re doing will result in Freedom (not just lots of cash) AND, if you weren’t being paid a dollar for the work you’re doing, would you do it anyway?

Sometimes the answer is yes to one and no to the other; awesome when it’s yes to both. 🙂


What F is driving you?



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